+33 (0)1 42 78 55 29

Legal notices

Hôtel de Nice

Consultation of the “www.hoteldenice.com” website implies unreserved acceptance of these conditions of use.

Site publisher identification

Registered office: 42 bis Rue de Rivoli, 75004 Paris, France
Telephone: +33 (0) 1 42 78 55 29
E-mail address : contact@hoteldenice.com

Share capital: 299,355 €
SIREN number: 341 415 479
APE code:5510Z
Intracommunity VAT number: FR72 341 415 479 000 11
Director of publication, legal representative: Mrs RASIMI

Website hosting and development

Company : Mixit7 – Web Agency
Headquarters: 34 avenue des Champs Elysées, 75008 Paris, France
Telephone: +33 1 85 80 11 11
E-mail: hello@mixit7.com
Website : www.mixit7.com
SIREN : 842 652 547

Our content

The information published, including its appearance and characteristics, on the hoteldenice.com website is non-contractual and is provided for information purposes and personal use only.

Under no circumstances does this information constitute an assertion, a guarantee or any commitment whatsoever on the part of hoteldenice.com with regard to any product or service: hoteldenice.com declines all responsibility, express or implicit, as to its completeness, accuracy or suitability for any purpose whatsoever.

The SOCIÉTÉ HÔTELIÈRE DU BOURG TIBOURG has made every effort to ensure that the information accessible via its website is accurate. However, we cannot guarantee that this information is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

The SOCIÉTÉ HÔTELIÈRE DU BOURG TIBOURG provides no guarantee, express or tacit, concerning all or part of its website. Under no circumstances may hoteldenice.com be held liable for any direct or indirect damage whatsoever arising from the use of its website.

Any person wishing to purchase the services or products presented here is asked to contact the service provider concerned, the hotel reservation department or their usual travel agency, in order to obtain information about the content, availability of the services or products in question, as well as the contractual conditions and rates applicable to them.

Rates, promotional offers, service content and products are subject to change without prior notice.

Privacy Policy

Through this page, the SOCIÉTÉ HÔTELIÈRE DU BOURG TIBOURG wishes to remind you of its commitment to scrupulously respect the trust you place in it and to apply the obligations of law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to “information technology, files and civil liberties” (http://www.cnil.fr ) as well as the deontological principles which result from it with regard to the personal information which you may be led to communicate to it as part of your browsing on its website.

The www.hoteldenice.com website is registered with the Commission Nationale Informatique et Liberté (CNIL) under No. 1517312.

The visitor is invited to consult full details on our privacy policy page.

General principles / Contact and booking form

We consider that your personal data, i.e. your name, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address, as well as any data communicated on our website or generated by your browsing, constitute confidential data.

In accordance with legal obligations, we store this information in reinforced security conditions and for a limited period of time proportional to the purposes for which you have communicated it to us. It is only accessible to our staff and is only used for the purposes for which you provided it to us, more specifically to process your requests or to send you back the information you may have requested from us by filling in forms or sending us an e-mail. Some of the information requested in these forms is optional. If you choose not to provide us with the mandatory information, we will not be able to process your request.

The general terms and conditions of sale and cancellation relating to online reservations or reservation requests are indicated precisely in the forms. Internet users may request a copy of the general terms and conditions of sale. Online booking solutions require the user to tick the box “acceptance of the general terms and conditions of sale” before making any purchase.

Consumers who do not wish to be the subject of commercial canvassing by telephone can register free of charge on Bloctel, the telephone canvassing opposition list.
For more information: BLOCTELhttps://www.bloctel.gouv.fr/

Transmission of personal data to third parties

Information collected through our website will not be passed on to third-party companies.

Exercising your right of access

Any information, in particular a copy of the personal data collected or generated prior to, during or following this processing, may be communicated to persons exercising their right of access. You may exercise your right of access and rectification under the conditions set out in Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to “information technology, files and civil liberties” by making a request directly by post to:

Hôtel de Nice
La Direction de l’Hôtel
42 bis Rue de Rivoli, 75004 Paris, France
Email : contact@hoteldenice.com

Our server platforms are not designed or configured in such a way as to collect personal information about visitors to the site other than the following data: source of connections (access provider), IP address, type and version of browser used. Under no circumstances do we collect the e-mail address of visitors unless they deliberately provide it to us.


Les données de trafic et les fichiers de cookies que nous implantons sur votre ordinateur ont la finalité suivante : nous permettre, en interne, de procéder à des analyses de fréquentation de nos pages d’information afin d’en améliorer le contenu. Les données relatives à la navigation des visiteurs ne sont pas exploitées nominativement. Il s’agit de statistiques agrégées permettant de connaître les pages les plus et les moins populaires, les chemins préférés, les niveaux d’activité par jour de la semaine et par heure de la journée, les principales erreurs clients ou serveur.

Nous vous rappelons que vous disposez dans votre logiciel de navigation de la possibilité de bloquer l’implantation de cookies sur votre ordinateur.

External links

La mise en place de liens hypertextes en direction d’autres sites ou de ressources disponibles sur le réseau Internet, ne saurait engager la responsabilité de hoteldenice.com ni celle de son hébergeur à raison des contenus proposés par les sites désignés.

La SOCIÉTÉ HÔTELIÈRE DU BOURG TIBOURG décline toutes responsabilités concernant le contenu de sites liés au site web de hoteldenice.com.

La SOCIÉTÉ HÔTELIÈRE DU BOURG TIBOURG décline toutes responsabilités quant à la pertinence des informations fournies et à l’utilisation qu’un internaute est susceptible d’en faire.

La création de liens à partir d’autres sites, pointant vers une page de l’un des sites hoteldenice.com ne peut pas conduire à insérer la dite page dans le cadre d’un autre site. Le non respect de ces dispositions soumet le(s) contrevenant(s) aux peines pénales et civiles prévues par la loi sur la protection des droits d’auteur.


It is strictly forbidden to use or reproduce the name Hôtel de Nice or its logo, alone or in combination, for any purpose whatsoever and in particular for advertising purposes without the prior written consent of SOCIÉTÉ HÔTELIÈRE DU BOURG TIBOURG.

The SOCIÉTÉ HÔTELIÈRE DU BOURG TIBOURG is not responsible for the content of any other site to which you may have access via the hoteldenice.com site.

Intellectual and industrial property rights – Counterfeiting

Any reproduction, representation or use, even partial, by any means whatsoever, without the written consent of the SOCIÉTÉ HÔTELIÈRE DU BOURG TIBOURG is prohibited and unlawful. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement for which the infringer may be held civilly and criminally liable. In addition, the third party owners of the infringing content, whatever its nature, are entitled to take legal action against the infringers. This provision also applies to passing internet users.


In accordance with article L.221-28 of the French Consumer Code, the customer does not have the right of withdrawal provided for in article L. 121-20 of the French Consumer Code.


Any complaint relating to a reservation must be sent by the Customer by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt to the following Hotel address, no later than fifteen (15) days following the last overnight stay, on pain of foreclosure:

Allocation of jurisdiction and referral to the consumer ombudsman

These General Terms and Conditions and the contractual relationship between the Service Provider and the Customer are governed by French law.


However, the Customer undertakes to seek an amicable solution before taking any legal action.

After referring the matter to the customer service department and failing a satisfactory response within 15 days, the customer may refer the matter to the Tourism and Travel Ombudsman, whose contact details are given below:

MTV Médiation Tourisme Voyage
BP 80 303
75823 Paris Cedex 17 France
Email: info@mtv.travel

For more information about the Tourism and Travel Ombudsman, the Customer may consult his website: www.mtv.travel.

Customers are informed that they may visit the European platform for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) between consumers and professionals: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm

Photo credits

SOCIÉTÉ HÔTELIÈRE DU BOURG TIBOURG, Maximilien Sporschill, Adobe Stock, Envato Elements, Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons)

  • user:djampa (photo Pletzl rue des Ecouffes Oratoire Fleischman)
  • user MOSSOT (photo Jardin des Tuileries with statues and the Marsan pavilion of the Louvre palace)